Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wednesday, December 18th

Today was another great day in Georgetown.  We went to the Hopsewee Plantation for a tour.  The house was built in 1740.  The original owner was Thomas Lynch Sr.  He and his son, Thomas Lynch Jr.  were both members of congress and the son was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. (Oh and did you know, that they signed it in order geographically from North to South.) The house over looked the North Santee River with the former rice fields across the river. The old house had hand carved molding all over.  Quite the structure!  The weird part is that it is lived in, so there were just a few rooms roped off we couldn't go in, but otherwise, we saw the entire house from attic to cellar.  There was a servant door (very short too!) in the cellar.  The servants would bring the cooked food from the kitchen which was usually a separate building in those days, through that door and all the way there, they had to whistle.  One, to announce themselves and two, to make sure they weren't eating the food!!  :)  There was a joggling board in front of the house.  It was used for sore joints as well as for fun.  In front of the house is a block made of brick.  It's called a Carriage Block.  It was for the ladies to get out of the carriages without falling in their big huge dresses and without showing their ankles!!  We have Audree demonstrating her step!!  We also saw inside slave cabins.   Two families per cabin with a fire place separating them.  Very small!  

After the tour, we had lunch in their tea room.  We tried 4 different entrées just for a variety and 2 different teas with the little tea pots and cups.  Audree was in heaven!  It was a lot of fun.  We had the same lady as a tour guide and waitress!  She was great!  Very fun day there.

Before heading back to the campground, we took a little drive out to the river.  Here in a picture, you can see Jeff looking over some boats, missing Wolford terribly!!  lol   Found some HUGE OLD  trees.  One was over 1000 years old!  Also found some with vines the kids could swing on.  Just like Tarzan!   **Sara

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