Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sunday and Monday, December 8th and 9th

December 8th
We drove to South Carolina to see Uncle Ray and my cousin Shelby. She is 10 like me.  We played in the backyard on their big swing hooked to a big tree.       Audree<>

December 9th
We did school with three recesses. We played on the swing. For dinner we ate fish and my partridge I shot in Michigan.        Garrett%

Here is a map of the US that we have in the inside of the door of the camper.  It's been fun to put up the states as we go along. We have to put them on with the door open and while standing outside.  So we're a couple of states behind because whenever I think about it, it's been raining.  We're on a mission to get some more states!  
PS    Garrett's partridge tasted just like chicken!!  It was good!

1 comment:

  1. I love the map, that is so cool! I told Mark about all the people that you were visiting, and he said, "Of course, because EVERYBODY knows Jeff Miller!" ha ha
