Saturday, February 8, 2014

Friday, February 7th

Another cold and rainy day, so we headed to Corpus Chrisit for the day.  First stop was the Texas State Aquarium.  The dolphin show was the best. Did you know that the largest animal ever is the Blue Whale.  It is as long as a basketball court and has a heart the size of a Volkswagon Bug!  We had fun.  

The next stop was the best.  We visited my Aunt Mary and cousin Lori.  It had been 13 years since I'd seen Mary, and Lori and I aren't sure if we've ever met.  This is the mom/sister I saw last week when I visited my cousin, PJ.   We laughed a lot and had a delightful visit.  Had some yummy brownies and they gave us some grapefruit from their tree.  Can't wait to try them.  We left there hoping to beat any freezing rain that may start coming down.  Didn't really want to drive with any Texans in those kind of conditions.  No offense to our Colorado/Texas friends reading this!!

Tonight the kids and I went to a movie in the theater.  The Lego Movie.  Two out of 3 of us thought it was really good!  Lol. Jeff enjoyed a quiet night in the camper. 

Yes, I'm holding a's fake!

1 comment:

  1. It was really fun to meet all of you. So glad you came by. Love the blog. I read every page from the beginning! What a great way to document (and remember) all the things you've done.
