Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, December 11th

Today was a big number state day!  We started in West Virginia at the Charleston Newspaper for a tour.  Making a newspaper is much more involved than we ever thought it to be.  It was very interesting  seeing the big HUGE press.  The inserts of the paper are put in by hand. Very labor intensive!  After the paper, we headed to state #2 of the day, Ohio.  We went across 3 different bridges trying to find the perfect sign to get our state picture.  Guess what---never did.  Just a pic of a sign, no people!  So next was Kentucky.  Then lunch and on into the next state.  It's a mystery.  Tune in tomorrow to see if you are right!!  Funny thing today, we kept getting money back.  Our tour at the paper was short enough that the nice man at the parking lot gave us 2/3 of our money back because we were back so soon.  And then at McDonalds, they goofed up our order and it was taking so long they refunded 2 of our meals.  'Twas a good day for that!

Then on to the best part of the day.  We went to see my good friend, Lorraine Harris, in Bardstown, Kentucky.  It was super fun to see all of them.  They have a boy that used to be in Garrett's class.  They moved from Kremmling over 5 years ago.  We all had fun visiting and catching up!!  

1 comment:

  1. Ah,symbolism! How are English studies progressing?
