Friday, October 11, 2013

Thursday October 10th

Today we hung around and didn't do a whole lot. We went with Grandma to Ironwood and we got deposits on bottles and cans. We came home and did a little school. I went bird hunting with Dad.  We walked 100 miles it seemed like and then Dad ended up shooting a bird right by the truck!!!!!!!  Wir aßen mit den Deutschen bei Tante Mimi und Onkel John Haus. Wir aßen Rippen und die Deutschen hatten nie Rippen hatte. This is this sentence in German:   We ate dinner with the 4 Germans at Aunt Mimi and Uncle John's house. We ate ribs and the Germans had never had ribs.  The Germans were here because they are part of a orchestra from Germany. In Marenisco they don't have a hotel, so they ask the ask the citizens if they will take in a few kids. For dessert we had apple crisp that Audree and Grandma made yum.

1 comment:

  1. Audree, You are so lucky to be learning Grandma's recipes. I MISS my Granny's apple crisp. Garret, did you eat the bird?
